About Us

ISPAT Bharti Foundation (IBF)- was established on March 26, 2009 as a TRUST to promote appreciation of ENGINEERING profession and ENTREPRENEURSHIP and to bring together INDUSTRY and Academic Institutions.

I S P A T is acronym for – “Initiative (for) Skill Promotion And Training”, as well as for “Initiative to Support Promotion of Advanced Technologies” in SME segment of Industry. Bharti is SARASWATI, the Goddess of Knowledge and our objective is to disseminate KNOWLEDGE through website, publications, and training workshops.

“UDYOG Sanchetana” a monthly, FREE, e-Newsletter, initiated in April 2014 is used for KNOWLEDGE dissemination at http://ibf.org.in wherein a new paid section eMitra is proposed to be incorporated with uniform annual fee of Rs 500/- for students, faculty, working professionals and industry.

Managing Committee

  1. V K Chopra, Chairman, CMD APV India Pvt Ltd, (IIT-K Alumnus), Lucknow;
  2. R K Chugh, Vice-Chairman, M Sc. MBA, (Lucknow University), Lucknow;
  3. Prof Virendra Grover, Founder Secretary (IIT-K Alumnus), Ghaziabad;


  • Ms Purnima Grover, Ms Haripriya Sachdeva, Ms Tripti Arora (India)
  • Ms Puja Mehta, (Switzerland); Ms Kirti Chopra, (USA)

Funds and Resources:

IBF accepts contributions from individuals, institutions, corporations by way of sponsorships, donations, advertisements, and fees for specific projects;
Services of management committee members and trustees are HONORARY.

Contact for Communication: Mail ID: ispatbharti@gmail.comvngrover@gmail.com

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